Show Up in Ways You are Proud of

A coaching group to help you enjoy
your romantic relationships

Navigating Non-monogamy can sometimes feel fun or deeply satisfying and other times overwhelming and anxiety provoking.  Are you interested in experiencing more grace, ease, and joy in your relationships? Do you want to more consistently show up in ways you are proud of?   

Regardless of what relationship structure you might be in currently, have tried previously, or are curious to explore — this online Coaching Group will support you to gain clarity and ease in your next steps to act in ways you are proud of and enjoy your intimate relationships.

This coaching group is designed to help you get clear on what’s next in your relationships and support you to take the sweet steps to make it happen

A Coaching Group?

What a coaching group is NOT

This coaching group doesn’t guarantee that you’ll find the perfect relationships for you.

What a coaching group IS

What is the purpose of this coaching group?

The purpose of this group is for you to gain skills and clarity to show up in ways you are proud of & enjoy your romantic relationships.

This will be a sweetly selected intimate group of between 6 and 8 people.  The fact that you get coached within a group enables you to learn more as other members get coached on topics that apply to you too.  This amazing community of peers will support each other to successfully stretch into new possibilities with purpose.

Who is the Coach?

(photo credit: Anna Maynard)

Hi! My name is Alyssa Lynes. I am a Life Coach.

Group Details

  • This group is currently closed for enrollment.  
  • Please email to inquire when the next will be open to join. 


You will work alongside fellow polyamorous peers to more consistently take action to show up in ways you are proud of and enjoy the relationships you love.


A 3-month coaching group program to learn how to show up in ways you are proud of and enjoy your romantic relationships.


People who want to take steps toward contributing to their multiple partners with clarity, ease and joy.


April 10- June 19th Every other Wednesday.

What Time?

6:00– 8:00 pm EST

Led By

Alyssa Lynes, Life Coach


$80-$125/month, sliding scale, for 3 months


(Make sure you can commit to 5 of the 6 sessions)​

April 10

April 24

May 8

May 22

June 5

June 19

What value will I take away?

Become crystal clear

See what’s not working right now and what you want next in your relationships.

Feel enthusiastic, satisfied, and alive

Act on what matters to you in your relationships.

Use your time meaningfully

Save energy that would otherwise be spent on processing, worrying or indecision.

Up your game as a generous partner/ lover

Consistently demonstrate the qualities you wish to contribute to your loved ones.

Contribute to Others

Bring more flow and clarity to every relationship in your life.

What’s Included?

6 Coaching Calls

120-minute calls to celebrate successes, address challenges through coaching, and gain insight by listening to your fellow classmates.

Recordings for each session

If you miss a meeting you can watch the call. If you want to return and take in the breakthrough moment you had a second time- it’s there for you too. Every session is recorded and will be shared privately ONLY with the group participants.

Facebook Group

We will use this platform to celebrate, cheer each other on, ask questions and share learnings.  This facebook group will begin the week of April 10th and will remain as a resource even after the group stops meeting.

Supportive Community of Peers

During our sessions, in the Facebook group conversations, and after the group completes you will be touched by the support we create in this community experience.

Text or Email Support

In between sessions, you can text or email me directly with any celebrations, questions, and insights.  I will respond within 24 hours.

Join live by computer or phone

Join live by computer or phone from the convenience of where you are.

We will meet via Zoom, a simple, user-friendly video call platform.  If you’re offline, you can call in by phone.

Is this for me right now?

This group IS for you if:

This is NOT for you if:


This group is priced on a sliding scale for 3 months at one of the following tiers:


Having a sliding scale enables this group to be more accessible to a variety of people.

Please choose the financial stretch that will support you to commit fully to this journey as well as not become a financial hardship.

Know that if you pay  at a higher tier you are supporting others who pay at a lower tier to be able to join.

"What's it worth?"

You’ll get 12 hours of group coaching, a community of support, and unlimited text support.

I’m a Coach trained by the  Academy For Coaching Excellence (ACE), with 450+ hours of rigorous training and coaching experience. 1-on-1, this would cost $1,500 or more.  With the group format, I can offer this group at a fraction of that cost.

Now What?

You Interested?
You have a question?

Great. Let’s schedule a 30-minute chat.

I’ll answer your questions, we’ll see if this is a fit right now, and then you can sign up.

You are thinking of a friend? Wonderful.

Please send them the link (

Let them know that this kind of support is available and happening.